Thursday, October 29, 2009

I have MOVED

For ur infomation,My blog link has changed already,so pls change ur link in ur blog if u havent

http://justsimplyme-clement.blogspot.comso take note THANKS

Saturday, July 4, 2009

3.55 AM........

Hey peeps,its 3.55.........AM now and still not sleepin since my blog is dieing i decided to "revive" nothing much.......went eating with angela,tuition with a US relieve/substitude teacher,Laurel..Wat now,Homework...NAhhhhh.......Its gettin boring and the weather is SO DAMN HOT...Hmmm please tag me and tell mi wat to post cos i really am clueless.....Anything.....SO PLEASE.....Blogskin.Hmmm dunno wat to put.Buuuuuuuut im sure to put 1 up soon kays?My loyal blog readers,i think u'll know it its goin to be COLOURFUL....AGAIN...TatSaLl PePelS

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dissapointment,the only thing my heart can i my YTSS transfer was rejected,Sadness was wat it was,as i have to see those people again in my class,Anger was wat followed by as they did not accept me and happy the last thing anyone should have feel after being rejected,but surprisingly,i felt that,as i am still,in the express stream.But i pitied myself to see those people again,those stupid people again...But no worries i will try again to prove that i have wat it takes... Now,behold YTSS,i will come back,I WILL EXCEL

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Finally!!!!!A movie

Boring...the only word that can best describe how i feel.....And happy the feeling i want to have next week finally goin for a movie.With hu some ask and he is Sholihin..watching ghost of girlfriends past for the show at 1:05pm at woodlands CATHAY cinema......Nothing much hoping to get happy.......byeS

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

ARe Ya SEriouS?!?!?

Juz came back ..and it is 1am!!!went to new york PIZZA with ANGELA!!!And the taste,not as good as Pizza Hut(OBVIOUSLY!!!)And we ordered SUPER MEDIUM,the cashier was like blur blur lidat,it was later then we know why.Cos we had no idea it was so damn big.And u know wat......the people there thought i and Angela were a PAIR.i was like OMG!!!We were the only 1 there and we made quite a mess....

Monday, June 8, 2009


It was the last day of school last week ,then our tcher change our freaking seats i was goin to say WTF with literally didnt.i was seating with Nicklaus for months without her permission and she dosent much care(!!!YAY!!!)i still wanted to sit at the same place and suppose until she put mi to seat with pei xuan and yue pin in front.. i tot 'good lah then when not her class we can switch back places'(cos yue pin wanted to seat with pei xuan and i wanted to seat with Nicklaus)Oh god who would have thought....then she changed nicklaus seat to a far far far far far far far far place


Im back......from the swimming pool.....very this is finished,now for wednesday,for homeworking with my frenz(The frenz are my pri school frenz,Hui Yu,Cheryl and Joyce)....And nicklaus and family goin for a vacation in BRUNEI?!?!?!(weird choice)..But anyways wish that they have a great time there.Bon voyage,Nicklaus.Haiya,still have to help cheryl print the science worksheet leh>.<>4 now see y'll